Stefano Lanzardo -

Stefano Lanzardo was born in LaSpezia in the 1960. At the age of 18 gets into photography becoming professional photographer in the 1985 and freelance journalist the year after. A remarkable side of his career is represented by the relation with the theater, which was developed in Italy (Teatri del vento) and abroad (Institutet for Scenkonst from Goteborg – Svezia e Studium Actoris – Norvegia). Beside the theater he carried on a research over the years about the human body. The results of this work have been shown in exhibitions such “Scolpire il Tempo” , “Tracce” and “Rock Carving”, among the many others. In the 1990 the town council of La spezia sponsored him for keeping up his photographic research. The years after was selected to participate at “Photosalon” an event within the Biennale di Fotografia di Torino. Particularly prolific has been over the year the relationship with other artist, especially sculptors (Giuliano Tomaino, Roberto Tagliazucchi ed Ettore Cha), to whom he delivered editor services for the publication of books, for instance “Danza immobile”. In 2010 this partnership gets tighter and Lanzardo become a member of the association of artist “Factory”, (Giuliano Tomaino, Cristina Balsotti, Claudia Guastini, Francesco Ricci, Sandro del Pistoia, Paolo Fiorellini), participating in various shows. The amount of the exhibitions, solo and group, that he took part is large as the publication that mention his work… that’s why we redirect those who want to see in detail the whole history of Lanzardo’ career  on his website.

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